This I took Algebra because I passed the test. Algebra for me was not really that hard, I mean I have a 103.2% since the last time I checked. My favorite subject is math, so I really work hard in it and I always try my best. I usually get every math concept after the second day with hardly any trouble. The one math concept that I wen through this year was probably negative integers. 
    This was part of the unit we did in real numbers. I really do not know, why I did so bad while doing that concept. I had a lot of trouble with it. I mean I only had trouble adding and subtracting negative integers. Multiplying and dividing for me was much easier. So that I could become better at them I did my self a chart that said how you are suppose to subtract,divide,multiply, and add integers. That helped me a lot.
      What I also did was do flashcards. I put an example in the front and then the answer in the back. I trued to solve it then I would look at the back to see if I had done it right. Sometimes it took me more than one try to get the answer to one equation. My sister would quiz me and if I did good they would give me something. If I did bad though I would get something taken away. So that would not happen I tried my best to get it right. Negative integers will help me see things as owing money. I will never give up.
     Math and science are very similar. In science you need to know your math well in order to succeed in what you are doing.So in science you have to do a lot of math stuff in order to do your stuff right. It does not matter if you are measuring things, if you are going to experiment, or if you are simply adding or subtracting. Sometimes in science you have to find the ratio, percentage, or decimal of something. That is what we did in the Mirror Mirror on the Wall activity for science last week.
    Science has a major connection with math if you want to ever be a scientist. For example you are suppose to know how many mL you have to put in this other liquid to work. Or like if you want to find how much different the climate is on the mountains then  at sea level . You have to know how much to climb up or how much the difference is by subtracting. Also when you want to combine some chemicals math is involved. You need to know how much of each to put into the mixture so that it does not over flow or even explode. Math and science have  a lot of things witth each other. SO in order to be good in science be good in math!
     Negative numbers are real numbers that are less than zero. That usually mean that when you subtract a bigger number than the other number. For example, lets say : 2-6. Six is bigger than two so you can't subtract without having to go into the negatives. Before, in school the teachers would not let us solve those kinds of equations because they were not possible. That is only what they said because we still did not know about the negative numbers. So in other words, negative numbers are leftovers that you di not have enough to take away. The sign - represents negative numbers.
     In real life negative numbers are usually bad. Let's take that as someone owing money. In real life negative numbers can be referred to money in banks. Like when someone owes money to the bank, the money they owe is represented as negative numbers. So now you know what real numbers are and how they are used in real life situations. Also, negative numbers usually mean debts, so in really life they are bad. You have to have positive numbers in real life because if you have negatives you are in trouble.
     There are various ways that you can convert a decimal into a fraction, but there are two that I know about. One way is to move the decimal to the left until you convert the decimal into a whole number. Then put that number over a 10, 100, 1000, or a one with one more zero as the digits the decimal  has . The last thing you do is to simplify so that you can make that fraction become much smaller. For example let's say that we have .75  .
        We have to move the decimal to the left two times. The whole number is now 75. After that you have to put it over 100 making the fraction become 75/100. The last step would be to simplify. In this case you can divide both the numerator and the denominator by 25. So, you simplified answer would be 3/4.
     If you were to solve the equation 2x-7=15, How would you solve? To me this is a very easy equation. Especially since at the end the problem can be solved without a problem. There is no need for you to get decimal or to round, all you have to divide and you can solve what x is. One thing you have to remember when doing equations like this, that whatever you do to one side you have to the other. In order to solve for x in this equation, you have to get x alone. 
     The first you thing you have to solve for x, is to add 7 to both sides of this equation. This makes x to be isolated much better and easier. So, now you have the equation transformed into 2x=22. You can probably already know what the answer is right ways since this is a very easy term. Now you just have to divide both sides by 2. Your answer is 11. X eq
uals 11. So this is how you solve for x.
     There are many methods used to covert a fraction into a decimal, but I am only going to explain two. One method for  converting a fraction into a decimal would be to divide the numerator by the denominator. Lets say for example that we want to convert the fraction 3/4 into a decimal. The first thing you do is put your equation as follows: three divided by four. So, since four can't go into three, you have to add a decimal and a zero. Then you put that four can go into thirty, four times. Therefore, you put the seven  on the top of the box of division. 
      Then you multiply seven  by four  which equals twenty-eight. Then you would put that answer  under the thirty, and after that you would subtract. As a result, your answer would be two. Since four  can't go into two you add another zero. After that you have to see how many times four goes into twenty. Four goes into twenty, five times. So the last thing you would do would put that five on top of the division box next to your previous answer, which in this case is seven. You final answer then would be .75. This is one method used to convert fractions into decimals.
      Another method would be to rename the fraction. To do this you need to make the fraction become much bigger in numbers. For example lets say that our fraction is 9/25, you can either make the fraction's denominator become either one hundred or one thousand. In this case we will try both. First, lets rename this fraction's denominator to one hundred. As you can see twenty-five goes into one hundred four times. Therefore, what ever you do to the bottom you do to the top. So, if you would multiply twenty-five by four, you get one hundred as your answer. You would also multiply nine by four getting thirty as you answer. Your results would then be 36/100. The last step is very all you have to do now is move the decimal point two times to the right. Your final answer as a decimal would be .36. 
      You have to move the decimal to the right two times, every time you convert a fraction that has a denominator of  100 . So, now lets try it with 1000. It is much like making the denominator into 100, but now all you are doing is multiplying both the fraction's numerator and denominator by 40. Why 40? Well because since you multiplied the 100 by to the number being multiplied is also multiplies by 10. Your fraction answer would then be 360/1000. You then put 360 down and move the decimal to the right three times. Remember to move the decimal to the right three times every time you are dealing to convert a fraction into a decimal that has the denominator of 1000. I like to convert fractions into decimals  y using the first method because, it will be much easier and faster to do with much complex fractions.
     What would be a better to buy food with as a ratio or as a percentage? In my opinion I think it would be better to buy food by using ratios. I think it would be much better and easier. It would also be a more exact way to buy an abundance of food. Think about it this way if you need to buy bread for sandwiches for about the average amount of people that come to your restaurant. Lets say that about 20 people go in every day to buy a sandwich. 
     You then would do the ration 1:2, because for every person there would be 2 pieces of bread right.  So then you would put 20:40, because you need double the bread for every person. That would be a much more exact way than using percentages.It would not make so much sense if you said that you needed 50% more of the percent of people coming. In my opinion I think that it would be much more confusing, harder, and not as exact to use percentages. Therefore, I think that using ratios in this case would be much better for many reasons.

     This week for Algebra we are working on a very complex project that requires critical thinking skills. It seems very easy , but it is not so easy. The project os to find how many pennies are in a box and then to find out how much it weighs. You have to figure this out by knowing what to do with the dimensions of the box and of the penny. Then after you figure out how many pennies there are, you have to find out how much the box weighs by using a mixture of pennies made before 1980 and after 1980. We have to show all of our work.
       With the answer, we have to write a written report explaining why we did each step and how we could have done the same problem in a different way. As you can see this is not an exact answer. It is an accurate and reasonable guess. It may be more or less to what you gave as an answer, but it has to be somewhat close. I hope I get the right amount that is good enough to be a good estimated guess. This does need time and work to figure the answer. This os our Pennies in the Box project!




       The Pi concept was created by the Greeks. The pie is used to get the circumference of a circle. In Greece pi is actually a letter. It is equal to 3.14159. Pi is an irrational number. That as a number it does not stop. It can also be used as a fraction. The fraction form is 22/7. Yet nobody knows what led the Greeks to create such a long number. This concept is sometimes used in Geometry or Trigonometry.The Greeks made Pi  about more than 1,000 years ago.
        Some of the Great Pyramids were created with the knowledge of Pi. Pi is also C/D. That means it is the circumference over the diameter. Pi now is used for many things. This concept is used by engineers,architects, and mathematicians. Pi has been used for many things today, but it is it still a mystery to everyone why the Greeks used the numbers they did and their patterns. I think that Pi is a very important concept to all of us, because it has helped us learn about history and mathematics.

      When you have the equation of a line there are many steps to graphing it. First you have to look at b, that is where you will start the line. For example, of the equation of my line is, y=-3x+27, you would start your line at 27. After that is done, look for the slope. The slope is the number and the x. That is called a term, because they are a group that can be added. The slope from our example is a negative 3x.
       Now you have to go down three and across 1 to make your line. You have to continue going down three and across one to complete that line. You can put little dots on those points to then graph your line. One you have all those little dots down, you can connect them to make a line. These are the steps to graphing a line.