It has been a very rough day for me, and I have just come back from working in the fields. Wow, that was tiring. I am just returning to my village, when I see a terrifying sight. As I stand at the top of the hill I smell something. I smell again to reassure my thoughts. I see my whole village in flames. What I dreamed to never have was what had just happened, as I see sails of fierce warriors. I knew one day they'd come, but I never thought it would be so quick!
      I knew it was them.... it was the most fierocuis and daring group. It was the Vikings! They have come to steal and burn our village, but why? As I run to see what has happened I see almost all the houses have been burned and are now becoming ashes!  I see so many people with sadness, anger, and revenge in their eyes. There are many people asking how could they be so mean, and how could they do something so cruel. Leave family without a home!
     I also see that some people who tried to save their things are no longer with us. All of a sudden I think of my family and see that they are awaiting my return. I see them so sad and see that the whole village is full of sadness. This is what I tell my family," Don't worry we will survive but we must work hard enough  to live again the calm lives we used to live!" With that  I try to reassure them that everything is going to be fine, but not even I get comfort from those wise words. Inside me I know that it will never be the same again..... but we must recover and live our lives again. 
    Our once peaceful village will never be the same again, and we must face it. Though we will never forget the tragedy!!
     Charlemagne was mainly know as" Charles the Great." He was a very good man that was later crowned by a pope as king. As the king of Europe, he united his people by converting them to Christianity. What he did was get land and help his people by telling them showing them the advantage of being a Christian. Like that he made hip people be Christians and made them far better persons. Charles the Great was a great leader for many reasons.
     For one thing, he was a very nice and helpful king. He actually gained his peoples confidence by proving to them that he was not a mean and greedy king, but a king who actually wanted to help them by making them better people. Many people liked because of the new religion Christianity that was brought form Asia. He became king after his father's death.

     They say he was the best ruler at that time, and he is still remembered today in many places.
       This year I am going to change both mentally and physically, for my New Years Resolution. I want to be a better person, so I am going to be a better sister, daughter, friend, and student.  I also want to be changed mentally, I want to think good things and not bad things. I want to also be a better thinker in school so that I can get good grades all this rest of this school year. So that is what I promised to do this year and I am really hoping that I will change from okay to good.
     To be a better sister I am going to try do a lot of things that will be hard to do because they are natural between siblings. Many should know that it is not easy to fight with your siblings!  It is either your older or younger siblings that make you mad, in my case both, but it is also because I am like that too. So I thought, that is going to change!  So I am not going to fight with my sisters and brother. In an argument I will just have to make it their way or explain them throughly what I think so that we can agree. I think that will help a lot. I will also try to do nice things for them and not be selfish at all.
    To be a better daughter I am going to not talk back to my mom. I will also not wait until she tells me something I will just do what I think she would like me to do. I will also follow my dad's directions without being twice. As a friend I will keep being the same way unless I need to because of a problem, but so far there aren't any.
      As a student I am going to be more responsible and do better things. Hopefully all these things will work so that I can have peace all around me to enjoy life and my family without any problems. I also hope that it will change me for good! Happy late New Years!!!!!!