Punnet Squares are square that help us get the genotypes of the offspring from the  two parents' genotype. They are pretty much like some squared windows. In each square the are four smaller boxes. Each will be a possible trait  for any of their offspring. That means that the Punnet Squares give the probability that it will be a trait foe their children. We have created Punnet Squares for science one that we did was one that we created when we made a family. 
    In that activity we had to create two parents and then from the parents we had to make Punnet Squares for six of their offspring and at the end we formed a family that the same characteristics as either their parents had or that they created having a trait from both parents.We created this by flipping coins to randomly get one of the traits that were already given.
      Last semester we did a DNA jewelry project in which we did little ornaments that represented DNA. This helped us understand a little more how DNA looked. When we did this we had to use different colored beads. In our case we used green, red, blue, and gold, as our nucleotides. For the base pairs we needed a gold and white and two other colors that we would want to make the base pairs complete. 
       The yellow circled bead was a phosphate, the white circled bead was a sugar and together they made a nucleotide. There was also 4 colors that we had to pair with each other. Blue and gold went together, and red and green went together to form the Base Pairs. In that case each nucleotide had to have a phosphate, sugar and  one of the base pairs.
       First you are to form a nucleotide with one of the forms above and another in the opposite side so that you when you pulls the ends into the circle you can have them form a piece of the side of your DNA. Now you have to put the both ends of your wire through the opposite sides then you  pull them together to form a inside  circle by making them go through the white then colored bead. Repeat that so that you can make the ornament. At the end  you put the wires through their sides and pull itand form a circle at the top so you can hang. Then twist the ornament so that it can form the shape of DNA.
So this is how you do a ornament.
I like science  a lot, so I hardly struggle with things. There is though a couple of things that make me kind of confused, or that ar first I did not fully understand . One thing I had a lot of trouble in was in the different phases a cell goes through. I thought it was hard because I couldn't fit the words or definitions with the pictures. The pictures seem to be blurry and not very clear, so that made it harder for me to try to understand it. I also could not see how the pictures were being defined, because to me it all made no sense.
    It was hard to learn from that material because we didn't seem to be doing anything to learn from it. Although we had this type of cheat- cheat page with all the pictures with it all in the right explanation, I still did not seem to understand what was happening in each scene or phase in the cell. It was also difficult for me to understand it because of the words, I could have had another thing so that I could have studied.