Why is the sky blue? That is always a good question that little kids ask and that you yourself sometimes ask. I thought that the sky was blue because of the transparent air. I thought that  the transparent would form some way a blue color. Now, though I think I have the answer. Maybe it is right, or maybe it is wrong. According to what we have learned so far in our science class is what I am basing my opinion as the answer.
    I think that the sky is blue because of the waves of colors. I know that it has something to do with that. I believe that the sky gets all the different waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. So, the sky gets all the different colors in the rainbow which are as follow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. ( A better way to remember all those colors  as ROY G. BIV. What I am saying that the sky absorbs all these colors, but it only reflects blue. The blue color wave bounces from the sky to our eyes making the color blue be visible. So we see the sky blue because that is the color that is visible to our eyes from the sky. Now I do not know if this is the right answer, but I must have something right. So that is your answer.
     Temperate climate fossils have been found in Antartica. Why are they there, if Antartica is now very cold and icy? The explanation is that long ago, Antartica must have been a warm place. How is it possible? It is possible in the theory of Continental Drift. Continental Drift is the action of plate tectonics moving every year about 2-5 centimeter. Both scientists and paleontologists say that all the continents were once together forming a huge continent Pangaea. 
    So regarding to Continental Drift the continents all moved further away from each other causing  Pangea to seperate.
You may be able to find temperate climate fossils in Antartica because of many reasons. One reason may be because there was once a time where all the continents were together. That means that one day a long time ago, there must have been a temperate climate. So, as the years passed and the plate tectonics moved further away from each other, the climate must have gotten colder and colder as it got separated further away more.
      So, I was researching about Antartica, and I found out that Paleontologists have found prove that Antartica might have been next to places that had temperate climates. They think that as the years passed by, the organisms that were of that time must have been left there. Then,sand must have been deposited on top of the dead organisms causing a fossil to form in those  rock layers. If they were trying to find the age of those fossils they could find it easily if it is close to superposition. Superposition is the law that states that if there are undisturbed rock layers then the top layers are the younger ones and the bottom ones are older.
      If this is the case, they would be able to ensure that those fossils were of the time when Antartica was connected with different places. So this is why I think that these fossils were found. I think they were   there because of the time that Antartica had not yet been separated from the big continent there once was!
     I know that there have been many great discoveries made in the field of science. One that I like the best is the discovery of our DNA. I think that is the best and greatest discovery in Science, but that is only my opinion. I think this because thanks to that we know why we look like we do. This let's us know why we look how we do based on not only Physical appearances but also genetically  For example You may have brown hair, but you could have two different kinds of traits that make your hair look that way. You may have BB or Bb that means you will have brown hair because the B is dominant. It does not necessarily mean that you will have the same brown colored hair as any of your relatives because there are many different shades in colors and many different traits in your family.
      It also a great discovery because it helps us understand what is what gives us our look and how we are inside of our body. As you may know, the DNA is stored in your cells. Those cells are very important and that is what every organism is made up of. DNA now a days is very important and very well known that some scientists charge about 3 million dollars so that you can decide how your next child will be. They can now go into an egg and change the chromosomes so that you can create a very unique child. It is almost like picking what you want on your sandwich. I personally do not like that because I think that is best for nature to do what it wants and for God to decide that you be a mother or father of a child that was suppose to be created like that and not designed.Therefore,  DNA is the greatest scientific discovery, in my opinion.

     In my group I had to do the reproduction page on our animal, the Chacoan Peccary. I researched a lot of information on it. One thing I found out was that it will have a litter size of 1-4 piglets, but it usually have 2-3 piglets. They are usually born during the months  October through November, although litters have been found throughout the whole year. The puppies are very small when they are born, yet they can run with the herd after two hours of their birth.
       I also found out that they are born in these months for a reason. They are planned to be born in this time because this is when there is an abundance of food and when there is rain. These to them is a good time to give birth because they will have the sufficient food, water, and maybe shelter. These animals travel in a herd, and sometimes the males get one or more females pregnant because they do not care for their young at all. The females may have one litter size per year or they may have more if they liked their first litter. 
     Females are the main ones that take of their young. From what I researched, it seemed that the males do not participate in parental care, and they do not do anything for their young except help create them.Chacoan Peccaries are very interesting.