Today it is finally Friday, and it is going good so far. That means I have a lot of homework, but at the same it is less than usual. I am so happy it is Friday because I am tired and I want to go to sleep early today. The bad thing is that we do not have Monday off and that is bad because then we have  a lot more homework than  usual. The good thing about that is that  there is Late start on Thursday next week.
    I am very excited to see my brother today because I miss him so much when I am in school. I have a surprise to give him and I know that he is going to be very happy today. I am also going to try to spend as much time as I can with him so that he will be happy. I am probably just going to watch movies and eat popcorn with him today. I also am planning to go to the park with him sometime this weekend.
      I am also happy because today it has been very sunny and it has not rained. I hope I have a good weekend and that the weather stays like this. Happy Friday everyone.
     Today it is Friday again and I am so tired. Today we will have to run a mile and s half for P.E and that is really hard. I mean isn't it hard to run when it is hot and after you have already gone to six classes? There are two major problems for having to run today. For one I have P.E after lunch and sometimes that does not go well because your stomach starts to feel weird and then the next thing you know is that you are feeling everything you ate start to come back up. That is a bad feeling.
     Then after I run I have to go to Edison  to Orchestra and then back that is very tiring and more after a tiring day. You are lucky you are not me. Anyway this week we have a three day weekend again and I am going to enjoy it. After this there won't be as many days off school anymore, so I have to enjoy it even more. The good thing is that I did not get as much homework as before the weekends.
      This week I have improved my grades too and boy am I happy, and that makes my parents happy, too. Yesterday it was Valentine's Day and I got my friends something special, and they gave me gifts, too. This whole week has been very good and I have not been so stressed about school so much, that is very good. Especially for me since I over worry about everything. That makes me even more stressed. Anyway have a good weekend everybody, I bet I will.

      If you remember in a past post, I wrote about my dog's puppies being born. It has now been two weeks since that day and my puppies are so huge. They are so adorable, they are so cuddly, fluffy and cute. They have grown so much though they are bigger than my hands, and usually after two weeks they are just about the size of my hand, but this time they are already bigger. They have also opened their eyes, which was pretty soon. 
        Anyway I am so happy, because when they start walking I am going to be able to teach tricks and show them how to eat and drink by themselves. Sometimes I am not able to do that because I have to much homework and sometimes things are more important than others. We must deal with doing what we have to do first then doing what we want to do that is always a rule we must follow.So, I hope I  don't get as much homework as I have lately. Lately, I have been going to sleep so late not because I want to, but not because I want to,.

     Finally it is Friday and there is going to be a three- day weekend again. Let the fun begin!!

     Wow, it has been really hard keeping my grades up so that I can get a 4.0 GPA.  The reward though was worth it. I went to Boomers yesterday with my dad and my older sister. It was really fun even though we only got to play a few games. The best though was the Go- Karts. It was so cold though. We also got to play in the dance mats that was fun. 
     We had to wait almost an hour to get to the Go- Karts, because there were so many people cutting in line. I thought that was not fair. There, I got to ride with my dad on a double Kart. He was screaming and yelling and having a great time and so was I. It felt do weird and so cool at the same time.It was cool when we were driving, I felt like my hands and nose were going to freeze. Then when I got off the ride I felt a little dizzy.
      Then when my sister got on we saw that she was a pretty good driver. It was like a reward for her too, because she has been very good. I think that yesterday was a very fun day. I saw my dad ans sister like I had never seen them before. I hope I get to go again very soon!!