This was the week after our week vacation and to me this week went by very slow but when I was at home everything went by so fast except for Thanksgiving I had the best time with my family. It all started that morning when I woke up around 9:30 am. I woke up, went to the restroom and then went to say good morning to all my family.  After we ate breakfast my dad left to work. I was sad that he was not going to be with us to do all the preparations, but he was going to be there for dinner!
Later that day after the chores were done we started preparing all the food, the tamales, the Posole and the dessert.
     I helped my mom put the dough of the tamales on the dry corn leaves. After we had finished all of them I helped my mom cut the vegetables for the Posole. Then like around 4:30 pm my dad was home and we were all getting ready to eat, when we were ready my uncle came over. We were all sitting at the table and we only had one more thing to do. We had to thank god for everything we have and for what we were eating there. After everybody said what they were thankful for we all started eating. The rest of the day was just of reunion. It was so great!!
     Today it is finally Friday, yay!  The best thing about it is that we don't have to go to school on  Monday and Tuesday  after the weekend. Also we don't have to stay up late doing homework on  Monday and Tuesday, we can just do all the homework we have today so we are able to do whatever we want on our short vacation. I am so happy because I am going to be able to play with my little brother,( because during school days I can't )and he really likes it when I give him my time and attention.
     I also like that we don't have school because I don't have to do homework all day, I can play on the computer, go on other websites, and just read what I want without having to stop at night. It is going to be so fun, espiciallty since I can sleep and wake up late. Only 3 more periods and my weekend will finally begin!!!!! I hope I am able tofinish my homework today and that  way I can have fun the rest of the day!
     I am so excited that my aunt is coming . Her name is Maria, ans she is coming form Mexico in a motorcycle with her husband. The thing is that they are travelers they like exploring places and countries and cities. How I would like to be her traveling most of her life. Well anyway she has been traveling for a couple of days now. She has gone to L.A, Sanfransisco, Las Vegas, Sacramento and so many other places and she is staying at our house for only a day or two because they still have a lot to expore here in California.
       I am so excited because I have not seen her like for two years and that is a lot for me considering that she is one of my favorite aunts. I hope she will be there before I get home so that I will be surprised, mainly because she always brings presents for us, how nice right? I also want her tocome before I get home so she can take me out to est since the day before she left 2 years ago that I would go with her out for dinner where ever I wanted. So I  am thinking of telling her to take me to In and Out for a big hamburger.
      I really do miss her though and she was suppose to get here yesterday but I think they stayed at a rest stop to sleep a little bit and for them to eat. Imagine getting in a car and driving to Mexico or to all those places I mentioned that must be hard but even harder in  a motorcycle!