Wow, it has been really hard keeping my grades up so that I can get a 4.0 GPA.  The reward though was worth it. I went to Boomers yesterday with my dad and my older sister. It was really fun even though we only got to play a few games. The best though was the Go- Karts. It was so cold though. We also got to play in the dance mats that was fun. 
     We had to wait almost an hour to get to the Go- Karts, because there were so many people cutting in line. I thought that was not fair. There, I got to ride with my dad on a double Kart. He was screaming and yelling and having a great time and so was I. It felt do weird and so cool at the same time.It was cool when we were driving, I felt like my hands and nose were going to freeze. Then when I got off the ride I felt a little dizzy.
      Then when my sister got on we saw that she was a pretty good driver. It was like a reward for her too, because she has been very good. I think that yesterday was a very fun day. I saw my dad ans sister like I had never seen them before. I hope I get to go again very soon!!

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