I am so excited that my aunt is coming . Her name is Maria, ans she is coming form Mexico in a motorcycle with her husband. The thing is that they are travelers they like exploring places and countries and cities. How I would like to be her traveling most of her life. Well anyway she has been traveling for a couple of days now. She has gone to L.A, Sanfransisco, Las Vegas, Sacramento and so many other places and she is staying at our house for only a day or two because they still have a lot to expore here in California.
       I am so excited because I have not seen her like for two years and that is a lot for me considering that she is one of my favorite aunts. I hope she will be there before I get home so that I will be surprised, mainly because she always brings presents for us, how nice right? I also want her tocome before I get home so she can take me out to est since the day before she left 2 years ago that I would go with her out for dinner where ever I wanted. So I  am thinking of telling her to take me to In and Out for a big hamburger.
      I really do miss her though and she was suppose to get here yesterday but I think they stayed at a rest stop to sleep a little bit and for them to eat. Imagine getting in a car and driving to Mexico or to all those places I mentioned that must be hard but even harder in  a motorcycle! 

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