Griots were West Africa storytellers. The griots were suppose to memorize stories or other things that had to do with the past. They retold this stories to groups  and retold them so vividly and wiht so much emotion. Back then griots were very important and they are still very important today. They were impotrant because they were the people who talke about the past. So they were depended on for what happened in the past. That is how most people learned history by learning the stories of the past told by the griots. That was called oral history brcause it was a spoken record of the past. 
    This meant that the griots took  records on things they did in that past that is is they even went or took part of that past event that was important or they recorded stories sbout the past they heard or that happened when they were alive. This was possible since they were already a little old, since they were the oldest of most of Africa they were considered wise and people believed their stories.

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