I have read more than 25 books this year, but there is one that made me value my family and what I have. It is called,"Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul." It was about 101 stories about situations from personal experiences. Like how people felt when they lost a loved one, how it felt to start going to middle school or highschool, how it feels to have someone in your family that has cancer, but the best were how to live life to the fullest and to see how much things are important to you. This book helped me see all the good things in  life. 
     When I read some stories, I almost cried because they were so sad. It made me think about what I have, and know that it will not always be there. So I have to value it and live my life to the fullest as if there was no tomorrow. I really do love my family a lot, and sometimes, I get so nervous when I do not see them for a long period of time. It makes me want to cry just thinking that maybe tomorrow I won't be able to see them.  I am very close to my family, therefore when I am not around them I always feel awkward. 

     Anyway that was my favorite book, it taught me more than I have ever learned. Other people's bitter experiences made me feel what they did. Also, this helped me see how I should go through situations like theirs and for me to know ,and so many other people  that go through those situation that they are not alone. Other people have gone through that, and though there are hard times you have to be strong and very brave. That will be the only way to go through those bitter times. I say that after every bitter taste there will always be a sweet taste or reminder later, because after rain and storm there is always rainbows and the bright rays of the sun once again coming out. In conclusion, make everything you do be the best, love your family and friends like you will never see them again, and finally live your life to the fullest like there is no tomorrow. Always make everything in your life be great because there are no second chances and you only have one shot in this world. You only have one life and that is the only one that you will ever get, so make it special. 

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