As I walk out of my home I see my uncle, he has been trying to convince my parents to let me go with him to the desert to trede.The problem is that I am not sure if I  want to go, I heve been curius of what is all around me and how things work not inside of  town. Maybe I am actually looking for an adventure and I have it right here the appourtunity will come again once more if my uncle decides to ask for my company in his caravans, but it will be a lot different maybe I will not go with the desir or maybe with a lot more, but then again I will not know if I don't try, even if I try going with him this time .      
    As he comes near me he has a huge smile across his face, maybe he was hoping I would say, yes, but I know I will disappoint him.....not that I want to, but I think I am not ready.Plus, there is acouple of disadvanteges and things that get make me scared even though my uncle will be there to protect me and tell me what to do and what not. One disatvanage is that I will be away from my family and I am a very shy girl that will get homesick very fast, so I do not want to miss my family that easily nor have my uncle get home early, just because I could not last some days without my family.Another big problem is if we do not get enough to eat, I know that he will have enough for us, but what I do not know is if the food is going to last and not rotten or go to waist because of the heat.
    Water is also a problem for me, I drink a lot of water and go to the restroom a lot, and I am not used to just drinking a little bit of water or going to the restroom at a specific time, so that maybe a problem becuase we would have to stop so many times so I can have my needs done. From all of these problems the biggest one would be I would get really tired and bored becasue it would be my first time and I would not know what to do so yeah.
    I think that it would be a really good trip and that I would see many cool things, but I do not think I would last much.Anyway my uncle said afetr I explained to him all that, that it was okay, although I know he was disappointed, he understood that I was just not ready, maybe when I am older I told him and with that he left with his dear camels and I went inside thinkig throug what I had rejected, but all through my heart I
knew that I had done the right thing! I would not wanted to disappoint him when we were already there and he saw that I was not enjoying it. At least he left knowing how I felt !!!

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