I am so glad that it is Friday. Last weekend I did so many fun things, even though I had so much homework last time. I did not get it done all on Friday or Saturday because those were the days that were really fun. Last Friday, my mom's best friend that she had not seen in a long time came over to our house. I had to take care of this little kid that kept doing bad things. He jumped on my bed so many times, I kept getting him off the bed, and he just kept getting back up.  There was also this little girl that was very adorable, my sister and I had to play with her barbies, babies, and we did bracelets and necklaces.
     My brother and I also played with the oldest o them. He wanted to play cars so that was what we did. We all had fun, but at the end oft the day I was so tired. On Saturday my family and I went to my cousin's birthday party. My Cousin was barely turning 7 years old. In her party their was  a  very big jump house, and even some adults were able to get in with us. That was so much fun. The cake was great, and we did dance and even sing throughout the party. I had a great weekend. I was glad that I had so much fun. On Sunday we did not do anything special well at least I do not remember.  I hop that my Weekend this week will be just as great or even much better if it is possible. Let my awesome weekend start today after school!

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