You might rememeber that last week I wrote about my little brother's bithday party, well it was so much fun. There was a lot of people there so my brother got a lot of presents mostly clothing, which is good because the winter is coming up and he needs tobe warm. The party started at 3:30, but almost no one is punctiol they usly star arriving after maybe an 1/2 or an hour after. The thing was I got stuck face-painting the whole day so I did'nt enjoy much of the party.
      The theme was spider man so I had to paint spiders and other things that related to that. That was hard work because kids just kept coming and coming. I was also in the jumphouse jumping and doing tricks and stuff and for a while I felt lika little kid. The thing that made me the happiest was that my brother was so happy and he was having so much fun that I just enjoyed seeing him do what he wanted for at least a year. Well that was so fun!!!

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