This week is the beginning of the Big Fresno Fair, and so many people are talking about how they are going to go on so many rides and buy so many stuff. Anyway I am not going this year because I already went last year and I am, going to  go next year, but not this year. It does not really bother me because the last time I went I had the best time ever, but on some rides I got so scared that  I did not even go near then because some kids were screaming really loud.
     I sometimes am scared of what might happen if the ride I am on has suddenly something go wrong then I would be extremely scared. The thing was, I was wachting videos of things thathave gone wrong at the fair or at other places with rides and I saw really scary ones! One videon that I saw was of a girl about 10 or 12 years of age and her father, they were riding on a seat that was holding them up about 700 feet off the groung between these two  cliffs and suddenly the seat broke! What dangure!!!

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