In my group I had to do the reproduction page on our animal, the Chacoan Peccary. I researched a lot of information on it. One thing I found out was that it will have a litter size of 1-4 piglets, but it usually have 2-3 piglets. They are usually born during the months  October through November, although litters have been found throughout the whole year. The puppies are very small when they are born, yet they can run with the herd after two hours of their birth.
       I also found out that they are born in these months for a reason. They are planned to be born in this time because this is when there is an abundance of food and when there is rain. These to them is a good time to give birth because they will have the sufficient food, water, and maybe shelter. These animals travel in a herd, and sometimes the males get one or more females pregnant because they do not care for their young at all. The females may have one litter size per year or they may have more if they liked their first litter. 
     Females are the main ones that take of their young. From what I researched, it seemed that the males do not participate in parental care, and they do not do anything for their young except help create them.Chacoan Peccaries are very interesting.

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