Last Tuesday I wrote about why I thought they sky was blue. I was pretty close to why it actually is blue. I did research ion this theme. The actual reason is very similiar to what I wrote. The only difference is in the vocabulary that I used.The actual reason the sky is blue is because of light waves. The sky appears to be blue to us because  all the light waves that are in the surface of sky are absorbed except for one. Blue is not absorbed by the surface. Blue is reflected and scattered throughout the whole sky. Since blue is being reflected, those light waves are reflected towards us and then we see blue as the visible color.
    ROY G. BIV. are all the colors that are shown in the sky. As I said before, blue though is not absorbed. So, it is reflects and scattered throughout the whole surface. In this case it scattered all through the sky. Blue is then see only yo our eyes because the rest of color waves are not reflected back to our eyes, therefore we do not see the other color. So, this is th reason we see that the sky is nlue.

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