Based on the zoo trip I did not learn many new things about the animal. I already most things about it, so some thins were just like  a review to me. One thing I did not know though was that the Chacoan Peccaries sleep in a big ball next to each other. I had seen it in pictures, but I did not know that that was how they slept. It also surprised me that they were fine not being in the shade, but in their deserty habitant without getting hot. Well at least I do not think they were hot. They were pretty much enjoying the weather.
     Doing the research made me think much better of the animal. I even think they are cute and adorable now. At first I though that they were boring and ugly animals. I though why do we have to do our project on this ugly animal that does not even do anything nice or interesting. Boy was I wrong! I learned as lot of things about it that were interesting. Like that the females usually only have their offspring only once a year. Most mammals have babies about twice or maybe more times per year. 
     Also, I did not know that this animals were endangered. I thought that they were just like pigs. Pigs though are not endangered but these animals are. I did not know that they were hunted for human things. Before I thought they just roamed around being undisturbed, and that only once in a while they hunted for food. I was really wrong about this animal. It is not as bad as it seems. One cool thing about it is that it forms a wall of peccaries when it feels threatened by another animal. It surrounds this animal and attacks. I though this was very interesting. I thought that the zoo trip was fun, and I learned a lot.

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